2024 Sri Lanka Election: Competing Visions for Social Protection and Education in Election Manifestos
Since then, under President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s leadership, Sri Lanka has secured a US$2.9 billion IMF bailout, leading to some economic stabilization, including lower inflation and increased foreign reserves. However, the cost of living remains high, and poverty levels have surged, exacerbating inequalities. In this context, education and social protection have become focal points of political debate, as both are seen as key to rebuilding a more equitable society and restoring public confidence in the government.

TOOLKIT :Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years
The Toolkit has 3 specific aims:
1. Create spaces for faith actors, parents, caregivers and educators to reflect on the spiritual development of children and identify how it benefits children.
2. Encourage self-examination of religious and spiritual principles, teachings and practices that affirm the dignity of the child and challenge those that can be used to condone violence against children in child upbringing.
3. Provide tools for building caregiving practices and skills for nurturing spiritual development of children.
The Toolkit addresses the importance of the spiritual development of children for their protection from violence and for the promotion of their holistic development and well-being.

Handbook for Sarvodaya : Suvodaya Community Facilitators
Further, this handbook can be used as a guide to train Suvodaya health committee members at the villagers on different aspects of community health service delivery at the grass root level. Facilitators are expected to prepare presentations, role plays and scenarios on their own, with the technical inputs from local public health teams to educate village level Suvodaya committee members.

IMPACT OF COVID-19: Rapid needs assessment for religious and faith leaders Sri Lanka

Handbook for Grassroot Level Public Health Workers and First Responders on Scenario-Based Training for Multi-Hazard Situations and Complex Emergencies - Trilingual
Primary target audience is Medical Officers of Health (MOH) and their public health teams and first responders at the grassroot level, including Public Health Inspectors (PHI), Public Health Midwives (PHM), Supervising Public Health Inspectors (SPHI) and Public Health Nursing Sisters (PHNS). Furthermore, other supervisory officers of public health staff at the MOH level are targeted for the delivery of the training. District supervisory officers such as Regional Epidemiologists, Medical Officers of Maternal and Child Health, District supervisory officers of PHI and PHMs can be involved either as trainees or observers depending on the local context and objectives of the local training.

AHA : Awareness with Humanitarian Action | වෙනසකට පියවරක්

COVID Pandemic and the Vaccine Equity in Sri Lanka

Role of Religious Leaders in COVID‐19 Prevention: A Community‐Level Prevention Model in Sri Lanka

Community Engagement During COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout - September, 2021
This information and action guide mainly covers four sections; Vaccination for Diseases, COVID-19 Vaccination, COVID-19 preventive behaviours and Community Engagement during COVID-19 vaccine roll out. Guide provides overall recommendations for the community role under the fourth section, and it is expected from Community Leaders and Influencers to use those recommendations as a guide and modify according to the ground realities.

SUWODAYA - AWAKENING WELLBEING, Sarvodaya COVID-19 Response, April 2021

Online Survey on Youth, Social Media, And Violence in Sri Lanka, May 2021, Trilingual
Violent extremism, misinformation, hate speech, trolling and harassment targeting females, ethnic and gender minorities (LGBTQ), and political opponents are on the rise globally as well as in Sri Lanka. Recognising the urgency in addressing this situation, the British Council Sri Lanka and the Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning undertook a study to explore youth perspectives around social media and violence.
The findings of the survey will contribute to the designing and implementation of effective measures to minimise and eradicate violence on social media.

Sarvodaya Suwodaya Services:Community Mobilization Handbook - May 2020

LTLT MANUAL : එක්ව ජීවත් වීමට උගනිමු : අධ්යාපනය සදහා වන අන්තර් සංස්කෘතික සහ අන්තර්-ආගමික වැඩසටහන

TOOLKIT :Nurturing the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years
The Toolkit has 3 specific aims:
1. Create spaces for faith actors, parents, caregivers and educators to reflect on the spiritual development of children and identify how it benefits children.
2. Encourage self-examination of religious and spiritual principles, teachings and practices that affirm the dignity of the child and challenge those that can be used to condone violence against children in child upbringing.
3. Provide tools for building caregiving practices and skills for nurturing spiritual development of children.
The Toolkit addresses the importance of the spiritual development of children for their protection from violence and for the promotion of their holistic development and well-being.

Handbook for Sarvodaya : Suvodaya Community Facilitators
Further, this handbook can be used as a guide to train Suvodaya health committee members at the villagers on different aspects of community health service delivery at the grass root level. Facilitators are expected to prepare presentations, role plays and scenarios on their own, with the technical inputs from local public health teams to educate village level Suvodaya committee members.

IMPACT OF COVID-19: Rapid needs assessment for religious and faith leaders Sri Lanka

Handbook for Grassroot Level Public Health Workers and First Responders on Scenario-Based Training for Multi-Hazard Situations and Complex Emergencies - Trilingual
Primary target audience is Medical Officers of Health (MOH) and their public health teams and first responders at the grassroot level, including Public Health Inspectors (PHI), Public Health Midwives (PHM), Supervising Public Health Inspectors (SPHI) and Public Health Nursing Sisters (PHNS). Furthermore, other supervisory officers of public health staff at the MOH level are targeted for the delivery of the training. District supervisory officers such as Regional Epidemiologists, Medical Officers of Maternal and Child Health, District supervisory officers of PHI and PHMs can be involved either as trainees or observers depending on the local context and objectives of the local training.

AHA : Awareness with Humanitarian Action | වෙනසකට පියවරක්

COVID Pandemic and the Vaccine Equity in Sri Lanka

Role of Religious Leaders in COVID‐19 Prevention: A Community‐Level Prevention Model in Sri Lanka

Community Engagement During COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout - September, 2021
This information and action guide mainly covers four sections; Vaccination for Diseases, COVID-19 Vaccination, COVID-19 preventive behaviours and Community Engagement during COVID-19 vaccine roll out. Guide provides overall recommendations for the community role under the fourth section, and it is expected from Community Leaders and Influencers to use those recommendations as a guide and modify according to the ground realities.

SUWODAYA - AWAKENING WELLBEING, Sarvodaya COVID-19 Response, April 2021

Online Survey on Youth, Social Media, And Violence in Sri Lanka, May 2021, Trilingual
Violent extremism, misinformation, hate speech, trolling and harassment targeting females, ethnic and gender minorities (LGBTQ), and political opponents are on the rise globally as well as in Sri Lanka. Recognising the urgency in addressing this situation, the British Council Sri Lanka and the Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning undertook a study to explore youth perspectives around social media and violence.
The findings of the survey will contribute to the designing and implementation of effective measures to minimise and eradicate violence on social media.

Sarvodaya Suwodaya Services:Community Mobilization Handbook - May 2020

Next Generation Sri Lanka : National Baseline on Post-War Youth Attitudes and Aspirations, March 2019
Next Generation is a global research programme initiated in countries that are experiencing a period of significant change, with the purpose of ensuring that young people’s voices are heard and their interests properly represented in decisions that will have lasting implications for their lives.
The research projects examine young people’s views around education, employment and lifestyle, as well as uncovering their hopes and fears for their country, their degree of international engagement and views on the wider world, and the values and beliefs that affect their lives.