The National Volunteering Network (V-NET)
Volunteerism is a unique means of accelerating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Volunteering as a mechanism for community participation certainly makes a positive difference to build on the foundation of cooperation, collaboration, and mutual accountability in meeting the challenges of sustainable development.
The National Volunteering Network (VNET), a network of volunteers involving organizations was launched in 2022 to play the role of a ‘facilitator’ in connecting volunteer and support opportunities with VNET members. The Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka as a core member of the VNET Steering Committee has been engaged to drive the objectives of VNET since its inception.
A special VNET meeting was held on 25th October at the UN compound with the participation of Mr. Marc-Andre Franche, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Sri Lanka. The meeting was attended by representatives of United Nations Volunteers, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Department of Social Services, Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka, National Youth Services Council, Sri Lanka Scout Association, Kelani Valley Plantations PLC, Indira Cancer Trust, Zero Plastic Movement and other member entities. Our Director, Mr Udesh Fernando is also a member of the National Steering Committee of V-NET representing the Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement.
The meeting provided an opportunity to engage and understand the scope of cooperation within the VNET member agencies in the public sector, corporate sector, NGOs, academia, and the youth sector, in addition to creating a space for networking.