Suwodaya : Awakening Wellbeing of All – an Annual Report of Sarvodaya’s COVID19 Response- Published by SIHL

An year on, the pandemic has led us to re-think and re-imagine our lifestyle, to raise our own potential as well as the mass consciousness of our communities. It begs that we become sensitive to the ravaging human induced environment threats, declining of our eco-systems, heightening social inequalities, scavenging economic systems, power politics, crumbling faith ideals and under-utilised education systems. While this list goes on and while the unprecedented challenges we face increase, the humanitarian action of Sarvodaya brings at least a glimpse of hope and inspiration to a distressed world. #Suwodaya : Awakening Wellbeing is Sarvodaya’s specialised programme in responding to the COVID19 Pandemic and the first year report is now available for reference. The Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning has compiled and edited the report.
Download Suwodaya Report – Awakening Wellbeing of All